Precious Stones Names in Telugu | నవరత్నాలు | Gem Stones

Gemstones have fascinated humanity for centuries, not just for their beauty but for their mystical and healing properties.

In Telugu culture, these precious stones, known as “నవరత్నాలు” (Navaratnalu), hold a significant place, especially in astrology and jewelry making.

This article delves into the names of these gemstones in Telugu, their English equivalents, and their unique significance.

Precious Stones Names in Telugu | నవరత్నాలు

The table provided offers a succinct overview of the nine precious gemstones, known as నవరత్నాలు (Navaratnalu) in Telugu, along with their English names and the celestial bodies they symbolize.

This list encapsulates the essence of these gemstones within Telugu astrology, highlighting their deep-rooted cultural and astrological significance.

Each stone is associated with a specific planetary energy, believed to influence various aspects of an individual’s life when worn correctly.

Gemstone in EnglishGemstone in TeluguSymbolizes
Rubyమాణిక్యం (Maanikyam)Sun
Pearlముత్యం (Mutyam)Moon
Coralపగడం (Pagadam)Mars
Emeraldగరుడపచ్చ (Garudapachha)Mercury
Yellow Sapphireపుష్యరాగం (Pushyaragam)Jupiter
Diamondవజ్రం (Vajram)Venus
Blue Sapphireనీలము (Neelamu)Saturn
Hessoniteగోమేధికం (Gomedhikam)Rahu
Cat’s Eyeవైడూర్యం (Vaiduryam)Ketu

1. Ruby (మాణిక్యం – Maanikyam)

Ruby (మాణిక్యం - Maanikyam)

Ruby, known as మాణిక్యం in Telugu, is a stone of love, passion, and power.

It symbolizes the sun, and it’s believed to bring good fortune to its wearer. It’s also associated with vitality and vigour.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Ruby is often set in jewelry pieces such as rings, pendants, or bracelets.

It’s best worn on the ring finger of the right hand or as a pendant around the neck to maximize its energetic benefits.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Ruby enhances passion, vitality, and confidence.

It attracts love, prosperity, and success, instilling a sense of power and courage in the wearer.

It also fosters creativity and stimulates the flow of life force energy.

2. Pearl (ముత్యం – Mutyam)

Pearl (ముత్యం - Mutyam)

Pearl or ముత్యం in Telugu represents the moon.

It’s said to bring calmness and serenity to the mind, along with emotional balance and harmony.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Pearls are commonly worn as necklaces, bracelets, or earrings.

They can be worn on any finger or around the neck to experience their calming and balancing effects on emotions.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Pearl promotes emotional stability, inner peace, and intuition.

It soothes the mind, reduces stress, and enhances the ability to connect with one’s inner self.

It also fosters loving relationships and brings harmony to the wearer’s life.

3. Coral (పగడం – Pagadam)

Coral (పగడం - Pagadam)

Coral, known as పగడం in Telugu, is a symbol of courage and perseverance.

It is believed to protect the wearer from evil spirits and enchantments.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Coral is often set in rings or bracelets and worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

It can also be worn as a pendant or an amulet to protect against negative energies.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Coral boosts courage, resilience, and physical vitality.

It provides protection from harm, wards off negativity, and promotes a sense of security and stability.

It also enhances leadership qualities and fosters determination in achieving goals.

4. Emerald (గరుడపచ్చ – Garudapachha)

Emerald (గరుడపచ్చ - Garudapachha)

Emerald or గరుడపచ్చ in Telugu is said to represent Mercury.

It’s associated with wisdom, growth, and intellectuality.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Emeralds are often set in rings or pendants and worn on the little finger of the right hand.

They can also be worn as earrings or bracelets to experience their energizing effects.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Emerald enhances intellect, wisdom, and clarity of thought.

It stimulates personal and professional growth, improves communication skills, and fosters a deeper understanding of life’s complexities.

It also attracts abundance and prosperity.

5. Yellow Sapphire (పుష్యరాగం – Pushyaragam)

Yellow Sapphire (పుష్యరాగం - Pushyaragam)

Yellow Sapphire, పుష్యరాగం in Telugu, symbolizes Jupiter.

It is known for bringing prosperity, knowledge, and marital bliss.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Yellow Sapphire is typically set in rings and worn on the index finger of the right hand.

It can also be worn as a pendant or bracelet to maximize its beneficial effects.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Yellow Sapphire brings wealth, prosperity, and abundance.

It enhances knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth, leading to success in endeavors and fulfillment of desires.

It also strengthens marital bonds and promotes harmony in relationships.

6. Diamond (వజ్రం – Vajram)

Diamond (వజ్రం - Vajram)

Diamond or వజ్రం in Telugu stands for Venus.

It represents purity, love, and aesthetic beauty. It’s also believed to provide protection from evil.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Diamonds are commonly set in rings and worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

They can also be worn as pendants or earrings to experience their protective energies.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Diamond symbolizes purity, love, and eternal beauty.

It promotes clarity of mind, strengthens relationships, and enhances creativity and imagination.

It also offers protection against negative influences and fosters spiritual enlightenment.

7. Blue Sapphire (నీలము – Neelamu)

Blue Sapphire (నీలము - Neelamu)

Blue Sapphire, known as నీలము in Telugu, is associated with Saturn.

It’s known for bringing wealth, health, and longevity but should be worn with caution.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Blue Sapphire is typically set in rings and worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

It should be worn on a Saturday during the evening hours to maximize its beneficial effects.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Blue Sapphire brings wealth, health, and longevity.

It protects against misfortune, wards off negative energies, and promotes discipline and self-control.

It also stimulates intuition and enhances mental clarity and focus.

8. Hessonite (గోమేధికం – Gomedhikam)

Hessonite (గోమేధికం - Gomedhikam)

Hessonite or గోమేధికం in Telugu represents Rahu.

It’s believed to eliminate confusion, provide clarity, and improve financial status.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Hessonite is often set in rings and worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

It can also be worn as a pendant or bracelet to experience its transformative effects.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Hessonite eliminates confusion, improves clarity of thought, and enhances decision-making abilities.

It brings financial stability, success in business endeavors, and protection from negative influences.

It also stimulates spiritual growth and fosters inner strength and courage.

9. Cat’s Eye (వైడూర్యం – Vaiduryam)

Cat's Eye (వైడూర్యం - Vaiduryam)

Cat’s Eye, వైడూర్యం in Telugu, symbolizes Ketu.

It’s known for protecting the wearer from hidden enemies and unexpected dangers.

How to Wear the Gemstone:

Cat’s Eye is typically set in rings and worn on the ring finger of the right hand.

It can also be worn as a pendant or bracelet to maximize its protective properties.

Benefits of Wearing the Gemstone:

Wearing Cat’s Eye protects against unforeseen dangers, hidden enemies, and psychic attacks.

It promotes intuition, insight, and spiritual awareness, guiding the wearer towards their true path in life.

It also enhances luck and prosperity, bringing unexpected opportunities and success.

Significance and Usage

Each of these gemstones holds a special place in Telugu culture and astrology.

They are not only valued for their beauty and rarity but also for their supposed astrological benefits.

It’s believed that wearing the right gemstone at the right time can bring significant changes in a person’s life, including health, wealth, and happiness.

However, it’s essential to consult with an experienced astrologer before choosing to wear any gemstone, as their effects are said to be powerful and sometimes dual.

Each stone should be carefully selected based on one’s horoscope and the position of planets in their birth chart.


The నవరత్నాలు or gemstones are integral to Telugu culture, symbolizing various celestial bodies and bringing a range of benefits to the wearer.

Whether for their beauty or their mystical properties, these gemstones continue to be a significant part of Telugu heritage and astrology.