About Us

Welcome to Telugu Baby Names,

Your one-stop shop to name your babies.

We are the only name suggestion website that lists popular names in India along with their meanings.

Our list is continuously updated with the most popular names in India and the meanings associated with them.

The purpose of our site is to assist parents in naming their children while giving an insight into the meanings associated with each name.

According to the report, many parents are going through a tough time choosing a suitable name for their child.

This is why we have started this website to provide parents with a list of the best Telugu baby names.

We are working hard to bring you the most accurate information about the top Telugu baby names of 2023.

So stay tuned and enjoy reading.

About The Author:


Hi, Iโ€™m Kailash Kumar. I like to write and work on a baby name suggestion website โ€“ TeluguBabyNames.com โ€“ and have been running it for over two years now.

I am also an author on Amazon Kindle, have published two books in English, and am currently working on my third book.

I also write articles on various topics ranging from parenting to technology.

Our Contact:

For any queries and collaboration you can write us at telugubabynamesblog@gmail.com.