Punyavathi Name Meaning In Telugu | పుణ్యవతి పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Meaning“Punya” means virtuous or sacred, and “Vathi” is often used as a suffix to signify femininity. So, Punyavathi can be interpreted as “a virtuous woman” or “a sacred lady” in Telugu.
CategoryTelugu name
GenderTypically used for females
NumerologyThe name Punyavathi corresponds to the numerology number 8. People with this number are often seen as ambitious, powerful, and dependable.
Rashi (Zodiac)Punyavathi falls under the Rashi (zodiac sign) of “Kumbha” (Aquarius).
Nakshatra (Star)The name Punyavathi is associated with the Nakshatra (star) “Dhanishta.”
Name LengthPunyavathi is a 9-letter name.
Zodiac SignAquarius
Vowels CountThere are 4 vowels (u, a, a, i) in the name Punyavathi.
Lucky NumberThe lucky number for Punyavathi is 8.
Lucky ColorThe lucky color associated with this name is Blue.

The name Punyavathi in Telugu conveys the meaning of a virtuous or sacred woman.

It is associated with the Aquarius zodiac sign and the Nakshatra Dhanishta.

The name is 9 letters long, and its numerology number is 8.

People with this name are often seen as ambitious, dependable, and virtuous individuals.

The lucky number for Punyavathi is 8, and the lucky color is Blue.

Punyavathi Name Meaning In Telugu | పుణ్యవతి పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Name: Punyavathi

Meaning: The name means “a virtuous woman” or “a sacred lady” in Telugu.

Category: Telugu name

Gender: Typically used for females

Numerology: Number 8, associated with ambition and dependability.

Rashi (Zodiac): Aquarius (Kumbha)

Nakshatra (Star): Dhanishta

Name Length: 9 letters

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Vowels Count: 4 vowels (u, a, a, i)

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Color: Blue

History: The name Punyavathi has its roots in the Telugu language, which is primarily spoken in the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.

It is a combination of two Telugu words: “Punya,” meaning virtuous or sacred, and “Vathi,” which is used as a suffix to denote femininity.

Names in Telugu often have deep cultural and spiritual significance.

The name Punyavathi reflects the value placed on virtuous qualities and the celebration of feminine attributes in Telugu culture.

Qualities Associated with Punyavathi:

  • Virtue: People with the name Punyavathi are often seen as virtuous individuals who uphold high moral standards.
  • Feminine Strength: The suffix “Vathi” signifies femininity and suggests that individuals with this name may exhibit qualities associated with strong, virtuous women.
  • Ambition: Numerology number 8 indicates ambition and a desire for success, so individuals with this name may be determined and goal-oriented.
  • Dependability: Those with the numerology number 8 are known for their dependability and reliability.

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