Guna Name Meaning In Telugu | గుణ అనే పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Meaning:The name “Guna” in Telugu means “Virtue” or “Quality.” It represents positive attributes and characteristics.
Category:Unisex (Can be used for both males and females)
Gender:Can be used for both boys and girls.
Numerology:The numerology value for the name “Guna” is 5. People with this name are associated with curiosity, versatility, and a strong desire for freedom.
Rashi (Moon Sign):Mithuna (Gemini)
Nakshatra (Birth Star):Mrigashira
Name Length:4 letters
Zodiac Sign:Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Vowels Count:2 vowels (u and a)
Lucky Number:3
Lucky Color:Green

The name “Guna” in Telugu signifies “Virtue” and can be used for both males and females.

People with this name are often associated with positive qualities, adaptability, and curiosity.

The name has a numerology value of 5 and is linked to the Gemini zodiac sign.

It is a name that reflects the importance of virtues and qualities in one’s character.

Guna Name Meaning In Telugu | గుణ అనే పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Name: Guna

Meaning: The name “Guna” in Telugu means “Virtue” or “Quality,” representing positive attributes and characteristics.

Category: Unisex (Can be used for both males and females)

Gender: Can be used for both boys and girls.

Numerology: The numerology value for the name “Guna” is 5, associated with curiosity, versatility, and a strong desire for freedom.

Rashi (Moon Sign): Mithuna (Gemini)

Nakshatra (Birth Star): Mrigashira

Name Length: 4 letters

Zodiac Sign: Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Vowels Count: 2 vowels (u and a)

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Color: Green

History Behind the Name: The name “Guna” has its roots in the Telugu language, and it is derived from the Sanskrit word “Guna,” which translates to “virtue” or “quality.”

In Hindu philosophy, “guna” refers to the three fundamental qualities that exist in all living beings and matter: Sattva (goodness), Rajas (passion), and Tamas (ignorance).

These qualities play a crucial role in understanding an individual’s personality and actions.

The name reflects a positive and virtuous connotation, emphasizing the importance of good qualities in a person.

Qualities Associated with the Name “Guna”: People named Guna tend to exhibit certain qualities and characteristics, including:

  • Virtuous: Individuals with the name Guna often possess a strong sense of virtue and uphold moral values.
  • Adaptive: They are adaptable and can adjust well to various situations and environments.
  • Curious: Guna-named individuals tend to be naturally curious, always seeking knowledge and new experiences.
  • Versatile: They are versatile and can excel in a variety of fields due to their diverse interests and talents.
  • Expressive: People with this name have a gift for communication and can express their thoughts and feelings effectively.
  • Independent: They value their freedom and independence and may be self-reliant.

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