Geethasri Name Meaning In Telugu | తెలుగులో గీతశ్రీ పేరు యొక్క అర్థం

Meaning:“Geetha” means song, and “Sri” signifies prosperity. So, “Geethasri” can be translated as “Prosperity through Song” in Telugu.
Gender:Typically used for females.
Numerology:The numerology of “Geethasri” is calculated by adding the values of its individual letters. In this case, G(3) + E(5) + E(5) + T(2) + H(5) + A(1) + S(3) + R(2) + I(1) = 27, and 2 + 7 = 9. The numerology number for this name is 9.
Rashi (Zodiac Sign):Rashi or Zodiac Sign associated with this name is “Vrishabha” (Taurus).
Nakshatra (Constellation):The Nakshatra associated with this name is “Rohini.”
Name Length:“Geethasri” consists of 9 letters.
Zodiac Sign:Taurus
Vowels Count:There are 4 vowels in the name “Geethasri” (e, e, a, i).
Lucky Number:The lucky number for this name is 3.
Lucky Color:The lucky color associated with “Geethasri” is Green.

“Geethasri” is a beautiful Telugu name that signifies the combination of music and prosperity.

It is often given to females and is associated with qualities such as creativity and determination.

It is also connected to the Taurus zodiac sign and the Rohini Nakshatra.

The lucky number for this name is 3, and the lucky color is Green.

Geethasri Name Meaning In Telugu | తెలుగులో గీతశ్రీ పేరు యొక్క అర్థం

Name: Geethasri

Meaning: Geethasri means “Prosperity through Song” in Telugu. It combines “Geetha,” which means song, and “Sri,” which signifies prosperity.

Category: Common

Gender: Typically used for females.

Numerology: The numerology of “Geethasri” is 9, indicating traits associated with this number.

Rashi (Zodiac Sign): Taurus (Vrishabha)

Nakshatra (Constellation): Rohini

Name Length: Geethasri consists of 9 letters.

Vowels Count: There are 4 vowels in the name (e, e, a, i).

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Color: Green

History: The name “Geethasri” has its roots in Telugu and is a combination of two meaningful components.

“Geetha” symbolizes the beauty of music and song, while “Sri” represents prosperity, wealth, and auspiciousness.

Together, the name implies a sense of prosperity and happiness through the beauty of song and music.

It may be given to a child with the hope that they will bring joy and abundance through their appreciation and involvement in the world of music.

Qualities Associated with the Name: People with the name “Geethasri” are often associated with the following qualities:

  • Artistic and creative: They may have a strong inclination towards music, arts, and creativity.
  • Prosperous and successful: The name suggests that they have the potential for wealth and prosperity.
  • Aesthetic and appreciative: They may have a deep appreciation for the beauty of song and music.
  • Determined and focused: They tend to pursue their goals with dedication.

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