Bhagyamma Name Meaning In Telugu | భాగ్యమ్మ పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Meaning:Bhagyamma is a Telugu name that combines two elements. “Bhagya” means ‘fortune’ or ‘luck,’ and “Amma” is an affectionate term for ‘mother’ or ‘female.’ So, Bhagyamma can be translated as ‘Mother of Fortune’ or ‘Lucky Lady.’
Numerology:The name Bhagyamma has a numerology number of 9. People associated with this number are known for their kindness, compassion, and humanitarian qualities. They tend to be generous and are often seen as caregivers and helpers.
Rashi (Zodiac Sign):Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.
Nakshatra:Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.
Name Length:8 letters
Zodiac Sign:Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.
Vowels Count:3 vowels (a, a, a)
Lucky Number:3
Lucky Color:Yellow

The name “Bhagyamma” is a feminine Telugu name with a beautiful meaning that reflects the hope for good fortune.

Individuals with this name are believed to possess qualities like being lucky, kind-hearted, nurturing, generous, and optimistic.

The name is associated with the number 9 and the lucky color yellow, making it a meaningful choice for parents naming their daughters in the Telugu culture.

Bhagyamma Name Meaning In Telugu | భాగ్యమ్మ పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Name: Bhagyamma

Meaning: Bhagyamma is a Telugu name that means ‘Mother of Fortune’ or ‘Lucky Lady.’ It combines “Bhagya,” which means ‘fortune’ or ‘luck,’ with “Amma,” an affectionate term for ‘mother’ or ‘female.’

Category: Feminine

Gender: Female

Numerology: The name has a numerology number of 9, associated with kindness, compassion, and humanitarian qualities.

Rashi (Zodiac Sign): Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.

Nakshatra: Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.

Name Length: 8 letters

Zodiac Sign: Varies depending on the individual’s birth date.

Vowels Count: 3 vowels (a, a, a)

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Color: Yellow

History behind the Name: The name Bhagyamma carries a beautiful and meaningful history.

In Telugu culture, names often hold significant importance and are chosen with care.

“Bhagyamma” reflects the traditional values and the desire for blessings and good fortune.

It signifies the hope and belief that the person bearing this name will bring luck and prosperity to their family and community.

Qualities Associated with Bhagyamma: People named Bhagyamma are believed to possess certain qualities and characteristics:

  • Lucky: As the name suggests, individuals named Bhagyamma are often perceived as fortunate and bring luck to those around them.
  • Kind-hearted: They are known for their kindness and compassion, always willing to help others in need.
  • Nurturing: Just like a mother, they are caring and nurturing, providing support to their loved ones.
  • Generous: Bhagyammas are generous individuals who are willing to share their blessings with others.
  • Optimistic: They tend to maintain a positive outlook on life, which contributes to their good fortune.

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