Baidehi Name Meaning In Telugu | బైదేహి పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

MeaningBaidehi is a Telugu name derived from the Sanskrit name “Sita,” which means “furrow” or “line made by a plow.” Sita is a revered character in Hindu mythology and is known for her purity and devotion.
Rashi (Zodiac Sign)Vrishabha (Taurus)
Nakshatra (Birth Star)Krittika
Name Length7
Vowels Count4
Lucky Number9
Lucky ColorGreen

The name “Baidehi” in Telugu is associated with qualities such as devotion, purity, resilience, strong moral values, and loyalty, drawing inspiration from the legendary character of Sita in Hindu mythology.

Baidehi Name Meaning In Telugu | బైదేహి పేరు తెలుగులో అర్థం

Name: Baidehi

Meaning: Baidehi is a Telugu name derived from the Sanskrit name “Sita,” which means “furrow” or “line made by a plow.” It’s associated with the revered character in Hindu mythology known for her purity and devotion.

Category: Feminine

Gender: Female

Numerology: 3

Rashi (Zodiac Sign): Vrishabha (Taurus)

Nakshatra (Birth Star): Krittika

Name Length: 7 letters

Vowels Count: 4

Lucky Number: 9

Lucky Color: Green

History Behind the Name:

The name “Baidehi” is a variation of “Sita,” the beloved wife of Lord Rama in Hindu mythology.

Sita’s story is told in the ancient Indian epic, the Ramayana.

She is known for her unwavering devotion, righteousness, and purity.

Sita’s character is revered for her loyalty and self-sacrifice. She is often seen as a symbol of ideal womanhood in Hindu culture.

Qualities Associated with the Name “Baidehi”:

  • Devotion: People with the name Baidehi are believed to possess a strong sense of devotion and commitment in their personal and spiritual life.
  • Purity: The name is associated with purity of heart and character, reflecting the qualities of Sita, who is considered a symbol of purity and virtue.
  • Resilience: Like the furrow made by a plow, individuals with this name are thought to have the ability to endure challenges and emerge stronger.
  • Strong Moral Values: Baidehi is linked to individuals who uphold strong moral values and principles, much like the character of Sita in Hindu mythology.
  • Loyalty: Those with this name may exhibit unwavering loyalty to their loved ones, similar to Sita’s devotion to Lord Rama.

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